Tag: SBT

  • Scala immutable/mutable collections microbenchmarking using JMH

    Scala immutable/mutable collections microbenchmarking using JMH

    Few days back, I was writing a program for Dijkstra’s algorithm. I used mutable HashMap to store all nodes and edges in that program. I have to store around 400k edges and their weight. There are two types of HashMaps in Scala collection. one is mutable and the other one is immutable. I have to…

  • Build your first scala project with sbt

    Build your first scala project with sbt

    In this article, We are going to create new Scala project with standard project structure and Simple program to print Hello Scala!. Later, We will build and run the project with sbt(Scala Build Tool). sbt is build tool similar to Maven and Gradle. Scala Project structure with sbt will be like this: First install sbt…